Overworld Autotiles
A downloadable tileset
This is a set of 16px terrain autotiles in the style of early Zelda games. They are set up as Blob autotiles (also known as 3x3 minimal in Godot 3, or Corners and Sides in Godot 4).
This tileset and associated files are CC0 (public domain). Credit is not needed, but is appreciated (dandelion dino / dandeliondino.itch.io).
The download contains an example project for Godot 4 with bitmasks applied and probabilities adjusted for the grass tiles. It was created in Godot 4.1.2 but should be compatible with any 4.x version.
I created this tileset while developing Terrain Autotiler, a terrain tile placement plugin for Godot 4. Because these tiles were created for testing, they were specifically designed to be difficult for an autotiling algorithm to place with deterministic results.
This means that if you use them as-is without a plugin in Godot 4, you may get unexpected results. You can fix mistakes while painting in the editor. Or, if deterministic results are required (like in procedural generation), I recommend using a plugin like Terrain Autotiler or Better Terrain.
Without a plugin, you should get better results if you place the terrains on separate TileMap layers. You can use the Aseprite source file to export a custom tileset with transparent backgrounds.
The Aseprite source file (created in Aseprite 1.3-rc6) is an experiment in non-destructive autotile creation using Aseprite's new Tilemap layers. Tilemap layers were a new addition to Aseprite 1.3, so the file is not compatible with earlier versions.
(For an excellent introduction to Aseprite's Tilemap layers, see this youtube video from AdamCYounis.)
The tile edges are composed of a small number of 8px tiles, and the patterned backgrounds are 16px tiles. The idea is that only having to edit a small number of tiles allows for fast iterations and fixes. This is similar to the way that tools like TilePipe2, Webtyler, and Tilesetter generate autotiles.
Doing it in Aseprite has advantages (you can edit the pixels directly) and disadvantages (lack of layer masks and tile rotation mean some steps that are automatic in other tools require manual edits). For example, see this devlog post for how to manually apply the transparency mask to the dirt and sand tiles before exporting.
Feel free to modify these tiles in any way you need, or to use this Aseprite file as a template to create a new tileset.
The palette is modified from downgraded 32.
The images on this page use the Arcade Legacy Font by Patrick Adams (TheWolfBunny64).
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